Monday, 30 December 2019

A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana Indoors

The first thing you need to understand is growing marijuana indoors presents its own set of challenges. With our beginner’s guide, we break growing down into easy-to-follow steps to help get you up and growing as easily as possible. Ready to get started? Let’s get growing!
Step 1: Assign a space in the home as a “grow room.”
You don’t need an entire room, but you should clear out space in a closet, cabinet, or corner where you can grow your plants. It is a good idea to start small with maybe one or two plants since this is the less expensive way to set up your grow room and get into growing.
Step 2: Choose a grow kit and grow lights for fast set up.
If you want the quickest way to set up your grow room, check out our grow kits and grow lights. You want to make sure your plants only get light at the correct times, so the grow room needs to be essentially “light-tight” so no excess light gets in when it shouldn’t.
With grow lights, you can get started using fluorescent lights. However, you will eventually want to upgrade to HID or LED lights. So if you plan on growing long-term it is better to start with HID or LED lights so you don’t have to buy new lights later.
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