Friday, 26 July 2019

Six Benefits of Using Vaporizers with Botanicals

Vaping is the process of using a vaporizer to convert a substance from a solid or liquid form into a gas vaporized form. This process is achieved by applying heat to the substance either through conduction or convection heating methods.

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When applied to the use of botanicals, vaping often involves using dried botanicals and heating it up to release the vapors from the plant without setting it on fire. If you are considering trying vaping instead of smoking your botanicals, check out these benefits vapers enjoy! Read more here…

The Botanicals Plant 101: Everything You Need to Know

Botanicals plants are just like most other plants and have male and female species. Most people are more familiar with the female botanicals plant since it is this plant’s buds that are harvested and used.

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While both male and female plants both produce flowers, it is only the female plant that fully matures. The only exception are hermaphroditic botanicals plants, which contain both male and female aspects. These plants will also fully mature and can be harvested. Read more here…

Thursday, 18 July 2019

What Will Happen if Marijuana Gets Legalized Everywhere

Advocates of legalization of marijuana usually cite an example of the Netherlands as an example. Let's see what really happened there after the opening of the "coffee shops" in which the marijuana was freely consumed. In the period from 1984 to 1996, the use of marijuana among people aged between 18 and 25 increased more than 200%, and the number of people registered as cannabis addicts who recovered from aid for marijuana use increased by 25%. At the same time, the number of alcohol addicts increased only by 3%. Find out more about it on cannabis nutrients toronto.

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What is atypical here compared to taking drugs in countries where there was no legalization is an increase in the number of users in the older age. Drugs are usually taken in the younger age of curiosity and the desire for experimentation. More often they are taken by immature people, people with mental problems or prone to risky behaviors. Taking other drug addictions in this population (e.g. alcohol) is also high. Here we must point out that in the Netherlands, the consumption of marijuana is allowed only in "coffee shops", while consumption in other places is sanctioned.

A similar experience as the Netherlands has the countries of the United States with the decriminalization of marijuana. In the seventies of the last century, half of the US countries introduced the decriminalization of light drugs, followed by a significant increase in the number of marijuana users. In the late eighties when they withdrew this law, the number of users fell almost by a third. Trend of decriminalization at the beginning of XXI. The century has been again monitored by an increase in the consumption of marijuana.

Myth: Smoking of marijuana is not dangerous Another myth or misconception is "Smoking marijuana is not dangerous". The harmful effects of marijuana are generally well known, documented and confirmed by the rules of "evidence-based medicine". On the other hand, smoking is anything that is potentially dangerous because it carries the risk of disease on respiratory organs. Marijuana compared to cigarettes has up to 70% more carcinogens.

Marijuana smokers consume a smaller number of cigarettes, but they breathe deeper and longer, and the inhaled smoke keeps longer in the lungs. That is why in experiments four to five times the amount of tar and adsorption of carbon monoxide in the smoking of marijuana have been proven than smoking cigarettes. Damage to respiratory symptoms and the more frequent development of chronic bronchitis in consumers consuming marijuana for a long time has been proven.

THC (delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main active ingredient of marijuana primarily accumulated in body fat cells. It is bind to specific receptors known as cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Since a large number of these receptors are located in the part of the brain responsible for memory, thinking, concentration, coordination of the movement and observing time and space, the consumption of marijuana negatively affects exactly those functions.

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